Things We Like: October 2008 Archives


We've been working on a lot of identity projects lately. And the number one resource we always turn to when developing a logo is LogoLounge. It's easy to get a sense of the competitive visual landscape for a particular industry and identify trends that should be utilized or avoided. In particular, I highly recommend their annual curated books that are organized by subject matter (which we've been featured in).

Art in the Big Easy

I've just returned freshly inspired from a visit to New Orleans, where the city is beginning to buzz with preparations for the Prospect 1 Biennial opening in 1 month. I was down there working on the open air project, sponsered by the Arts Council of New Orleans and opening concurrently. A friend's gallery/experiment was just written up in the style section of the NY times. KK Projects has taken over a block of hurricane destroyed houses and given a new life and a little magic to the area.

About this Archive

This page is a archive of entries in the Things We Like category from October 2008.

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