
Empowering Global Reproductive Health

Here at Ultravirgo, we are passionate about projects that improve public health. And we believe everyone has the right to enjoy quality reproductive health. But quality supplies and reliable information are often hard to come by in low-and middle-income countries, jeopardizing this right. Which is why we were proud to work with the United Nations Population Fund to help launch AccessRH, a new approach to reproductive health supplies procurement that also offers access to the largest database of contraceptive procurement statistics in the world.


Our focus throughout the project was to make everything educational and easy to understand. We created a consumer-friendly brand that features empowered individuals and clear, frank imagery of contraceptive supplies. Infographics - both graphic charts and illustrative representations - were used throughout to make the data more accessible, and we looked for as many opportunities as possible to leverage the vast amounts of practical information they have in their database. 

Click on each image for a larger view.

Brand Guidelines
The logo features a strong A monogram, with the inside counters creating a figure - a visual representation of the "empowered individual" that is at the heart of the brand.

The core visual system is based on overlapping arcs - representing the unique combination of supplies ordering with rich, useful data on global trends. The orange "Access Point" always appears at the overlap point, symbolizing the power that AccessRH offers in this combination. 


Imagery uses a mix of strong portraits of empowered individuals and bold straightforward images of actual supplies. Many reproductive health organizations shy away from featuring the products so boldly, but we feel it is important to be as clear, transparent, and educational as possible.


Infographics are a key part of the brand, to ensure that the vast amount of data that AccessRH has in their database is communicated in ways that are educational.

Web Site
We developed the web site architecture and designed and coded the key page templates (UNFPA is developing the full site, which is in progress). The site was organized under the two main service sections: research data and supplies procurement. When designing the site, we developed a modular grid structure to cross-pollinate relevant content and data from both sections of the site. For example, on a condoms order page, a chart about condom shipments is dynamically-generated from their database to appear alongside, so the person ordering can see the ordering patterns of other countries and organizations in their area. This sitewide leverage of their valuable data educates their customers, improving understanding of reproductive health supplies around the world.

Home page features the two distinct content areas.

Product pages feature supplemental data and information to help educate users. 

The Research section of the site offers robust reporting from the largest database of reproductive health procurement in the world.